Have you started to notice that you really aren’t eating much but are continuing to pack on the pounds? You are so not alone! As we age, we tend to gain body fat and lose muscle mass. These changes in body composition can result in changes in the muscles’ ability to metabolize energy. When muscles can’t metabolize energy, you’re more likely to gain weight. Before you throw in the towel and finish that row of cookies out of sheer frustration, read on, there is hope!

In researching women’s metabolism in mid-life I’ve discovered that unlike dieting which only affects the amount of calories you take in, physical activity helps you burn more calories during and after your workout. As you build more muscle, you’re increasing your metabolism!

Try a few of these metabolism blasters each day: brisk walking up and down hills for 20-30 minutes a day. Why hills? Glutes are the largest muscle in the body and you will get the greatest metabolic burn while briskly charging up any incline. If you walk on a treadmill, increase the incline and you will feel immediate burn in your glutes and hamstrings.

Another great way to rev up metabolism is to incorporate free weights into your routine. When you build your muscle mass you boost resting metabolism which makes your body burn more calories! Try a few of the following compound movements to quickly rev up your system: upright rows with plie squats, overhead press with lateral lunges, bicep curls with stationary lunges, tricep kickbacks with squats.

Remember to change up your exercise routine on a regular basis as this is another great way to overcome weight loss plateaus, increase functional strength, burn fat and boost metabolism. If you want to increase your repetitions, then decrease your weight. If you want to decrease the number of repetitions, then increase your weight. Aim for two or three sets of each exercise you do. Be sure to choose different exercises and mix them into your workout. This is super important as this keeps your muscles guessing because different exercises work muscles differently. Try to stick with the same exercise for at least one or two weeks so that muscles begin to adjust before switching to something new.

Do keep in mind that you have to make exercise a part of your daily lifestyle or your body will go right back to its old ways of holding onto fat instead of burning it for energy.